University of Notre Dame, Department of English (fa 2017 - )
Assistant Professor
Faculty Affiliate in the Institute for Latino Studies
Concurrent Faculty in Gender Studies
----American Literary Traditions II (sp 2019, '20, '25)
----American Migrant Communities (fa 2017, fa 2018, fa 2022)
----First Year University Seminar - On the Move: Migration in American Literature (fa 2017, '18, '19, '21, '22, '24; sp 2018, '20, '22, '23, '24)
----In Search of the Great American Novel (fa 2024)
----Latinx Literature Now! (sp 2022, '23, '25)
----Queer Migrations [Graduate course] (fa 2019, sp 2024)
----Rethinking Twentieth and Twenty-First Century U.S. Fiction [Graduate course] (sp 2018, fa 2021)
----Undocumented Literature Now - undergraduate independent study (sp 2023)
Connecticut College, Department of English (fa 2016 - sp 2017)
Visiting Assistant Professor
----Introduction to African American Literature (fa 2016)
----Race and Literary Criticism (fa 2016)
----Black Genre Fiction (fa 2016)
----Chicano/a/x Literature (sp 2017)
----Twentieth-Century U.S. Literature (sp 2017)
----Toni Morrison (sp 2017)
Princeton University, Department of English (sp 2012 – sp 2016)
Head Assistant Instructor:
----Graduate Pedagogy Seminar (sp 2016)
Graduate Assistant Instructor:
----Topics in American Literature: American Jewish Writers (sp 2016)
----Growing Up Global: Novels and Memoirs of Transnational Childhood (fa 2015)
----Graphic Novels and Comics (fa 2015)
----American Literature: 1865-1930 (sp 2013)
----American Cinema (fa 2012)
----Modern Evil (sp 2012)
Wesleyan University (fa 2014)
at York Correctional Institute
----American Migrant Communities
Warrior-Scholar Project (su 2015, su 2016, su 2017)
at Yale University
----Writing Seminar
York Correctional Institution (su 2014)
Center for Prison Education at Wesleyan University
----Summer Writing Workshop
Cheshire Correctional Institution (su 2014)
Center for Prison Education at Wesleyan University
----Summer Writing Workshops
Albert C. Wagner Correctional Facility/Princeton Prison Teaching Initiative (fa 2010, sp 2013, sp 2015)
----English 101: Composition
Garden State Correctional Facility/Princeton Prison Teaching Initiative (sp 2011 – fa 2012)
----English 101: Composition