Articles, Essays, Chapters, & Reviews
Book: Coalition Literature: Aesthetics on the Move in Midcentury US Multiethnic Writing. Stanford University Press, Post•45 Series, March 2025.
Article: “The Sense and Sound of Lamentation in Yesenia Montilla’s Muse Found in a Colonized Body.” Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures, Volume 8, Issue 1, Fall 2023 (published 2024): 44-62. <https://doi.org/10.2979/chj.00005>
Chapter: “Transformative Testimony and Lamentation: Latinx Protest Poetry as a New World of Witnessing.” Routledge Handbook of Latinx Life Writing, eds. Christine Fernández and Maria Villaseñor. Routledge, Pages 343-360: <https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003273141-30>
Review: “Review of The Anzaldúan Theory Handbook, by AnaLouise Keating.” A contracorriente: A Journal on Social History and Literature in Latin America 20, No. 2 (Winter 2023), Pages 305-312. <https://acontracorriente.chass.ncsu.edu/index.php/acontracorriente/article/view/2331/3652>
Interview: “Desert Futures Collective: A Conversation With Brahim El-Guabli, Jill Jarvis, and Francisco E. Robles.” Interview by Samia Henni, in Deserts Are Not Empty, ed. Samia Henni. Columbia University Press (2022), Pages 23-48.
Article: “Communal Imagination and the Problem of Allegory in Tomás Rivera’s …y no se lo tragó la tierra.” Twentieth-Century Literature, Volume 68, Issue 1 (Spring 2022), Pages 53-74. <https://doi.org/10.1215/0041462X-9668897>
Article: “Lydia Mendoza’s Moving Homelands.” Latino Studies, Volume 19, Issue 2 (June 2021), Pages 164-185. <https://doi.org/10.1057/s41276-021-00316-5>
[full text, courtesy of Springer: https://rdcu.be/cl7pv]
Essay: “Protocol, Control, Permutation.” With Stephen Yeager. ASAP/J, 26 April 2021. <https://asapjournal.com/reliquary-for-the-digital-in-nine-key-words-or-b-or-protocol-control-permutation-francisco-robles-and-stephen-yeager/>
Essay: “D’Angelo’s Slow Control.” ASAP/J, 26 April 2021. <https://asapjournal.com/reliquary-for-the-digital-in-nine-key-words-or-ix-or-dangelos-slow-control-francisco-robles/>
Review: “Review of The Folk Singers and the Bureau: The FBI, the Folk Artists and the Suppression of the Communist Party, USA-1939-1956, by Aaron J. Leonard, and Woody Guthrie: An Intimate Life, by Gustavus Stadler.” Journal of Popular Music Studies 33, No. 3 (2021): 194-198. <https://doi.org/10.1525/jpms.2021.33.3.194>.
Article: “Transformation and Generation: Preliminary Notes on Reading the Poetics of the Memphis Sanitation Strike.” Post45: Peer Reviewed Issue 5 (Fall/Winter 2020), “Formalism Now,” eds. Timothy Aubry and Florence Dore. (~5,800 words.) <http://post45.org/2020/12/robles-transformation-and-generation>
Chapter: “Unsettling Monuments of Chicanx Masculinity in Estela Portillo Trambley’s ‘Rain of Scorpions.’” Decolonizing Latinx Masculinities, ed. Frederick Luis Aldama and Arturo Aldama. University of Arizona Press, Pages 228-247: <https://uapress.arizona.edu/book/decolonizing-latinx-masculinities>
Article: “Jean Toomer’s Cane and the Borderlands of Encounter and Contradiction.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States, Volume 45, Issue 1 (Spring 2020), Pages 27–48: <https://doi.org/10.1093/melus/mlz064>
Essay: “Lamentation, Remembrance, the Body." Post45 Contemporaries.
Essay: “Introduction: The Body of Contemporary Latina/o/x Poetry.” With William Orchard. Post45 Contemporaries. <https://post45.org/2020/01/the-body-of-contemporary-latina-o-x-poetry/>
Essay: “Lamentations.” Killing the Buddha.
Review: “Illuminating Narratives of and by the Undocumented: A Review of Documenting the Undocumented: Latino/a Narratives and Social Justice in the Era of Operation Gatekeeper, by Marta Caminero-Santangelo.” Small Axe: sx salon 29, Fall 2018:<http://smallaxe.net/sxsalon/reviews/illuminating-narratives-and-undocumented>
Review: “Review of A World Not to Come: A History of Latino Writing and Print Culture, by Raúl Coronado.” New Mexico Historical Review, Volume 92 Issue 4 (Fall 2017), Pages 498-499.
Forthcoming & Under Review:
“CantoMundo, Undocupoets, Letras Latinas and the Cultivation of Latinx Poetry.” In “Latinx Literature in Transition” series, Vol. 3, Latinx Literature and Critical Futurities, 1992-2020. Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming.
“Against Emptiness and the Desert Grotesque: Desert Poetics of Creation and Inhabitation.” Oxford Handbook of Literature and Migration, eds. Hadji Bakara, Charlotte Sussman, and Josephine McDonagh. Invited contribution.
“Afrofuturism: Heuristic or Historical Descriptor? And Some Thoughts on Phillis Wheatley.” Justice in Time: Critical Afrofuturism and the Struggle for Black Freedom, ed. Elizabeth Reich and Ryan Kernan. University of Minnesota Press. Interminably forthcoming.